Weekend Open Burning Request Form in Norfolk Connecticut

By checking this box I agree to abide and follow all open burning regulations as described by the Ct State DEEP. Failure to follow the rules set forth is subject to a misdemeanor and you will be subject to a fine and/or imprisonment CGS Sec. 23-48

Open Burning Rules and Regulations

(Saturday/Sunday only) Fill out and submit the online request to burn.  The On-Call Open Burning Official will call you back shortly to approve or decline your request to burn for the day based on the current fire index. 

FYI: Open burning is NOT allowed:

  • to clear land prior to construction activities
  • to burn brush larger than 3″ inches in diameter 
  • as a means to dispose of construction debris, household trash, or leaves.
  • if the Forest Fire Danger Index is rated HighVery High, or Extreme
  • if the Air Quality Index (AQI) is forecasted to be 100 or higher anywhere in the state
  • If the Weather is forecast to be rainy, foggy, snow, overcast, or the wind is over 15mph
  • if national or state ambient air quality standards may be exceeded
  • if a hazardous health condition might be created
  • if there is an advisory from DEEP of any air pollution episode

**Town of Norfolk, Connecticut Residents Note**

ALL weekday burning must be approved thru the selectmen’s office. NO Exceptions.

By contacting the Local Burning Official, I Agree to abide by, follow, and obey all open burning regulations as described by the Connecticut State D.E.E.P. Failure to follow the rules set forth by the aforementioned is subject to a misdemeanor and will be subject to a Fine and/or imprisonment. CGS Sec. 23-48


Town of Norfolk, Connecticut Open Burning Instructions

1. Make sure you have a signed permit by the resident/owner of the property where the burn is to take place.  Permit must be available at the place where burning is taking place.

2. Make sure you are burning only brush no larger than 3” in diameter.

3. You must not leave your fire unattended.  You are responsible for taking all precautionary measures to prevent the fire from spreading beyond your controlled area.

4. If you violate any of the above and the Police, Fire Department or Department of Energy and Environmental Protection are called, you have committed a misdemeanor crime subject to a fine and/or imprisonment. Pursuant to CGS Sec. 23-48.

5. You must receive verbal permission from a Local Burning Official on each day you plan to burn.

6. All burning must be conducted between the hours of 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM.  The weather must be sunny or partly sunny with the wind speed between 5mph & 15mph

7. For permission to burn Monday through Friday contact the Selectmen’s Office at 860-542-5829

8. ALL Weekend Burning is authorized by the Weekend On-Call Burning Officials.  Use the above link and fill out the form.

Before the Burn

All reasonable safety precautions are to be taken including but not limited to:

  • Contact the local open burning official or check the CT DEEP website to verify the AQI level is less than 100 everywhere in the State and the Fire Danger Index is not High, Very High or Extreme
  • Clearing of grass and trees from the burning area
  • Wetting down of the surrounding area
  • Placement of fire extinguishers and hose lines

After the Burn

  • All reasonable measures to assure complete combustion and reduce excessive smoke are to be taken
  • At no time during the burn should the fire be left unattended
  • The permit must be available on site during the burn
  • Burning may not create a nuisance to nearby properties

Completion of the Burn Period

  • The burn pile must be completely extinguished by 5 p.m.
  • All embers and coals must be extinguished and wetted, so as to prevent smoldering and fugitive ash emissions

Failure to adhere to the conditions of the permit may result in penalties and/or enforcement actions. There may be additional requirements or special conditions applied to your open burning permit by your local Open Burning Official.

What is a Nuisance?

A nuisance is considered to be the unreasonable, unwarranted, or unlawful use of one’s property in a manner that substantially interferes with the use or enjoyment of another individual’s real property, without an actual trespass or physical invasion to the land.

The burning of wood in a Camp Fire, Bonfire, Chimenea, or other similar devices is prohibited if the burning is conducted so that it creates a nuisance for neighbors

What does it mean when the State D.E.E.P. issues a fire danger with a Spread factor of 12 and Buildup Factor of 13?
    These factors help determine the Burning Index for the region which can range from Low, Moderate, High, Very High, and Extreme with a “Red Flag Warning” when there is an increased risk of fire danger. 

     Spread and Build up are based on how far an uncontrolled fire will travel along the ground in current weather conditions. This is determined by taking into account the relative humidity, wind, and precipitation in a given area. 
Spread: is the distance an uncontrolled fire will travel that is measured in “chains-per-hour” (per the National Fire Danger Reporting System). A “chain” is 66 feet.  If you take a Spread index of 12 x 66’, a fire can travel 792 feet per hour if left uncontrolled. 
Build-up: Tracks Fuel Moisture & Reflects the combined cumulative effects of daily drying and precipitation in fuels with a 10 day time lag constant. So 0 to 25 is considered Normal, 26 to 50 is Critical, and 50 to 100 is extreme. 
     Since the burn index is based on a large geographic region and there are many different factors on every hill and valley in Litchfield County, when burning in Norfolk (even with a valid permit) please take every precaution to make sure your burn pile is not endangering nearby dry foliage not intended to burn such as fields, dry leaves, woods, etc.